Posts: 555
Post by Maggie on Sept 5, 2013 10:30:09 GMT -5
{desc=Mengsk is for talk}Gennesk was not a particularly happy wher. There were a lot of new baby whers around, some of which were utterly stompable and his beloved Mini-Mouse still insisted on being for friend with all of them. Therefore, as a good, concerned wher parent, Gennesk had decided that he needed to meet all the babies and inform them that if they hurt Mouse they would be stomped. Or at least make sure that they were good, honest whers that would be good company. Unlike Lisk and Saosk who needed much stomping before they were allowed near Mouse unsupervised.
Genner sighed as he followed his wher on his mission. It was generally better to just go along with Gennesk's wild schemes, he had found, and he did enjoy meeting all the young new handlers. They were, after all, his future colleagues. He had managed to convince Gennesk to hunt down the brown from the last clutch first, mainly because he was curious. He had seen Mengir around and he approved and the brown had seemed relatively sane or as sane as one of Ausk's spawn could be.
Gennesk perked up as he caught a scent. Mengsk! Mengsk is for talk! Gennesk ordered imperiously, trotting over to where he had spotted the miniature brown.
Genner nodded unsmilingly at Mengir. "He's vetting all the new wherlets," he drawled. "He's worried about their influence on his hatchling."
Jr. Weyrleader
Posts: 710
Post by RavenSong on Sept 6, 2013 1:00:50 GMT -5
Mengir? Mengsk asked, exploring the lower caverns with Mengir's approval. She knew where they could and couldn't go, and Mengsk wanted a head start on finding safe places. Mengir knew she'd have to be a guard, but for then, it was okay to just grow.
What is it? Mengir asked silently, practicing mental communication.
Brown Gennesk coming. Says Mengsk is "for talk". The warning hadn't quite been quick enough and Mengir nearly jumped out of her skin as Genner appeared. She blinked at him several times, lips parted as she thought about what to say in response to him. Mengsk, on the other hand, had a couple things to say already.
Mengsk requires additional time with warning, Mengsk said to Gennesk. Gennesk's male. Mengir not quite ready for startles. What Gennesk need discuss? His body language, like always, was comprised of short, sharp gestures. It was off, not quite right. He looked like a wingless dragon. Mengir knelt down and placed her hand on his shoulders.
"It's okay, Mengsk. I have to learn, remember?" She stayed there for a moment before looking to Gennesk. Mengsk tilted his head to look at her, blinking a bit as he watched her.
"He will not hurt your hatchling," she said reassuringly, standing up, offering a hand to Gennesk as one would offer a hand to a canine. Mengsk blinked slowly, processing the emotions she felt. Unlike with just about every other male Mengir had encountered, she wasn't nervous around Genner. Mengsk could tell it was because of Gennesk.
Fascinating, he said, audible to everyone. Mengir blushed just a little.
"Brown is the color of hope," she said quietly. "Hope and freedom." She kept her eyes on Gennesk, though it was clear she was speaking to Genner. "You're lucky." Mengsk stepped forward to sniff at Gennesk politely, aware of social conventions between whers. He observed them strictly. Someday, he would be equal with Gennesk, but for now he was a wheret and he needed to be polite.
Mengsk desires information. What hatchling? Mengsk asked, sitting back down with his gaze fixed directly on Gennesk. Only hatchlings Mengsk aware of are wherets. Kask, Lisk, Saosk, Yhisk, Shinsk, Sesk, Rysk, Raxerisk. Which hatchling Gennesk's?
Posts: 555
Post by Maggie on Sept 6, 2013 1:29:11 GMT -5
Mengsk's is be startles. Is not be like male-things, Gennesk told his handler, standing between his handler and Mengir so that she didn't feel too uncomfortable. Genner nodded, taking a respectful step back.
"Brown is steady and true," Genner agreed. He watched Mengir, trying to detect any sign of discomfort. "Do be careful about offering hands to whers, however."
Gennesk is be know Mengsk's not for bite, Gennesk huffed.
"He only learned that after he bit another handler and her wher took offense," he told the other brownhandler. "He does forget sometimes. Hit him if he does. His hide's almost thicker than his skull, it won't hurt him."
Genner bristled a bit at the names. Lisk and Saosk stupid babies for stomp, he grumbled. Gennesk is be have Mini-Mouse. Mengsk is can be for Mini-Mouse friend. Is be smart-good. Browns is be best. he declared.
"It seems Mengsk has Gennesk's seal of approval." Genner smirked. "Browns do tend to be saner than most whers. Or at least more stable. I'm not sure anyone would describe Gennesk as sane."
Jr. Weyrleader
Posts: 710
Post by RavenSong on Sept 6, 2013 17:07:40 GMT -5
Mengir did seem just a little nervous, keeping her eyes on Gennesk and not Genner. But still, he was a Brownhandler, and she knew a Brownhandler would never hurt her. Same with a brown. Still, she withdrew her hand, wringing both of them together as Gennesk spoke. She glanced at him, looking just a bit frightened as she looked him over, but she shook her out of that.
Mengsk disallow harm come to Mengir, Mengsk said firmly. Mengsk employ teeth if Gennesk bite Mengir.
"He means he'll bite you," Mengir said to Gennesk. "I would rather not see either of you fighting, so I'll keep my hands to myself unless I have permission to pet you, Gennesk." She smiled softly, then turned toward Genner. Mengsk could feel the slight panic in her mind, but paid it no mind. It wasn't severe enough to need him to step in. Instead, he went to sniff at Genner again.
"I... I'm Mengir," she said softly, curtseying. She spoke slowly, "Originally from Moon Hold, but I came here from Crescent. The first wher I met was Brown Moosk. His handler was Moodaren. Moosk saved me from a very bad man. Browns are very good whers."
Mengsk looked at Gennesk. Mengsk unaware of Mini-Mouse. Mengsk have child friend. Silentchild. Female child, incapable of sound. When meet Mini-Mouse, Mengsk introduce to Silentchild.
He had no idea that he had nicknamed the same child something completely different.
Posts: 555
Post by Maggie on Sept 8, 2013 19:21:25 GMT -5
Gennesk pawed the ground, sulky. Genesk is be know. Task is be attack when Gennesk is be bite Task's Scary-little. Gennesk is be know others' is not be for bite. Mengsk's is not be for bite. He nosed Mengir. Mengsk's is be for scratch Gennesk. Gennesk is be like scratch.
"He's usually not dumb enough to bite a handler. But he is nippy. Some whers are. He just likes to taste things, it explains things to him better than scent. He may lick you instead." Genner leaned against the wall. "I'm pridesecond Genner and that's, if you hadn't guessed from his speech, Gennesk. Browns are very good whers. All whers are. They just are different from us. They don't see the world the same way we do and they do not intend harm. Not in the sense a human does. If a wher does harm it is to fulfill an instinct, be it protection or nutrition. They are not evil creatures."
Gennesk did an abridged version of his dance of joy. Genner sighed, rolling his eyes. Mini-mouse is be silentchild! He sent Mengsk a mental image of the girl. Mini-mouse is be Gennesk's! Is be best Mini-mouse. Megnsk is be for Mini-mouse friend. Is be for good friend. Mengsk is be calm-smart. Gennesk is be approve.