Post by xena2009 on Jan 27, 2010 22:50:21 GMT -5
Xarca was feeling let down. She sat on the shore of the lake, letting the water wash over her feet. She had finished her chores early and was glad for some time for herself. Her pink firelizard, Spirit, flew down to her and landed on her left padded shoulder. Xarca reached up and scratched the pink's eyeridge. "At least I still have you to keep me company, Spirit." She lay back on the sand and watched a few clouds go by, as well as a few dragons fly from the Weyr.
Another bitter reminder that she was still left on the ground, dragonless. She hoped that she would impress at the next Hatching, whenever that would be. It seemed to her that she wouldn't stand a chance again at the next Hatching. She knew that Orange Vhreth was over due for a flight too. She sighed and closed her eyes. At least in her dreams, she rode a lovely Copper dragon, very much like the Weyrwoman's lovely Kalith. She admired the Weyrwoman and hoped to impress a copper too. Though, she obviously has doubts.
Posts: 1,554
Post by Reky on Jan 27, 2010 23:10:22 GMT -5
She breathed in the outdoor air, listened to the sound of the breeze, and felt herself calm. She was thinking, to herself, of what she'd write to her parents. Somehow, she'd have to get her poor writing and spelling to convey how elated she was... That was going to be tricky. As soon as she could, she'd go visit them. Or, she'd ask them to visit her. Dad might not be able to. He was always very busy with the farm. Maybe mom, though... Alvo and Nivin probably could. Faranth! They'd love Memnorooth. She was sure of it. Even Nivin, even though he was a quiet kid at most times. She smiled to herself. He relaxed happiness was shattered, though.
LinMine! LinMine! Memnorooth chittered, bouncing after her Bonded. It is nice outside, LinMine, isn't it? Do you think this is nice? Oh! What's that! She skittered off, inspecting lakeshore pebbles, the water, the color of the sky, the flying dragons, flocks of flying wherries, and everything else under the sun. Lin sighed. Then, Mem spoke again, LinMine, who's that? She was looking at a girl further down the shore.
I dunno, Mem, Lin told her. Faranth... the girl looked pretty down, even from here. Wait... She'd seen her around. She was a candidate, wasn't she? She hadn't seen her Impress... Oh. Lin's inner selves warred with each other. Should she say hello? Her antisocial side said no. The caring side said yes. The wiggling, lime green dragon said yes, too. Well. There, decision made.
"Hey," Lin said, plunking herself down beside Xarca. No other words seemed to feel like coming, so she offered a lopsided smile instead. [/blockquote]
Post by xena2009 on Jan 27, 2010 23:32:08 GMT -5
Xarca jolted from her dream. She'd been enjoying giving her copper a bath and an oiling. She looked around for a moment, gathering herself. "Oh, hello. I'm Xarca. And this little pink girl is Spirit." She sat up some more, shaking her head to clear her head from the sleep fog.
[/failpost] I'm sorry, my mind just wants to shut down on me.
Posts: 1,554
Post by Reky on Jan 28, 2010 20:33:30 GMT -5
(OOC: Ehehe, don't worry about it. Everyone has those moments. XD)
Lin didn't have to work to smile anymore, not after the immediate introduction from the redhaired girl. It came naturally. Memnorooth, by now, had wriggled herself off somewhere else, into the water where she was splashing around. Quickly, Lin warned her not to go too deep, and she got a Don't worry, LinMine! No way! [/color] in return. "Well, Xarca, Spirit," Lin said, "Nice t' meetcha. I'm Lin. Tha's Mem over there." She nodded in the dragonet's direction. For a while, there was a pause of silence, where Lin drifted into her own mind before surfacing and fidgeting. "Hey... I... saw ya on th' sands," she managed. "Sorry you didn't... y'know." She offered a consolation smile. Faranth, she was bad at this. Since she'd come to the weyr she'd been acting nicer than usual, trying to make people feel better. She never had to at home. At home, she had brothers. She just told them to suck it up, and that was that.[/size][/blockquote]
Post by xena2009 on Jan 28, 2010 21:53:53 GMT -5
Xarca nearly closed herself off from the Weyrling when she was told the little green was hers. Of course, her luck running into a Weyrling, of all the different people that were in the Weyr! She tried to smile, to be polite. "She's a pretty green color." At the mention of her failure on the sands, she sighed and nodded. "Yea, I had hoped one of the hatchlings would have chosen me, but I guess not. Even so, I might stand for a Wher clutch, if I don't impress at the next Hatching. I love Whers as much as I love Dragons."
Spirit on the other hand, didn't stay to listen to them talk. She chirped at the green dragonet and dove into the water near the green. She sent the green an image of her scrubbing the green's hide.
Posts: 1,554
Post by Reky on Jan 28, 2010 22:03:15 GMT -5
"Pretty?" Lin chuckled, once. "More like blinding!" Still, though, she cast a warm, loving glance at the playing green, before looking back at Xarca. "Ah well, s'just means your dragon wasn' there, hey? Or wher." She had to think a little on that one. Whers... what? Having spent time around runner-, dray-, and herdbeasts, she wasn't exactly the most knowledgeable on weyr-things. Shells, she didn't even think much on dragons before she was Searched. Whers... right! Watch-whers! She got it now. "Whers're nice, too. I betcha you'll Impress soon, hey?" It wasn't that she knew the girl well enough to accurately say that. She seemed nice, though. And, she'd been Searched, right? That's gotta count for something. There had to be something dragonworthy (or wherworthy) in her.
Memnorooth stopped mid-prance, and turned her full attention to the firelizard. Oh! What was that? What could it be? It was like her... but smaller! Was it a baby dragon? Wait. She was a baby dragon. Maybe it was a very small, small baby... but it was flying! She chittered excitedly at Spirit, and wiggled her tail at the image. Oh, yes please! That looks nice! [/color] she said to the pink. Wait, could it talk back? Maybe it couldn't... Oh! But it looked friendly! Yes![/size][/blockquote]
Post by xena2009 on Jan 29, 2010 3:33:44 GMT -5
Xarca nodded. "Hopefully, I will." She smiled at the Weyrling. "What is it like to be bonded to a Dragonet, soon to be dragon?" She was curious mostly, wanting to be able to see if, should she impress, be able to say that Lin is correct about the bond of a Dragon and Rider. Would it be intense or subtle, like her bond with Spirit? She looked up at the thought of her Pink little friend and spotted her scrubbing the green in the water. "It looks like Spirit has found herself a friend in Memnorooth." At the sight of the Pink rubbing the sand into the green dragonet's hide, it made her forget about her failure to impress and she laughed softly, casting a glance at Lin.
Indeed, once she'd been given the go ahead by the green dragonet, Spirit had dove down into the water and came back up a minute later with sand dripping from her claws. She eagerly went about rubbing the wet sand into the little green's hide. As the Pink worked, she chittered up a storm with the Green, flashing Memnorooth images of the adventures she'd had with her bonded.
Posts: 1,554
Post by Reky on Jan 29, 2010 10:52:27 GMT -5
Hah. Once, she'd been the one asking other people that question. Now she had to get a decent answer out... How exactly did it feel, besides amazing? She thought for a bit, 'hmmm'ing, and then came up with something good to say. "Well," she started, "It kinda feels like... like there's a whole 'nother part of you now. And it don' feel... weird, really. Well, it does, but it mostly feels right. Like it's meant t'be, y'know?" She shrugged. "Somethin' like tha'."
Mem figured that the little pink one couldn't speak. But oh well! That was okay! She just chittered right back, her voice not nearly as high as Spirit's. But ohhh, it felt good! Yes! The pink thing's hands were very little, too. The littlest hands she'd ever seen! Or were they claws? She supposed they were. And it was so exciting, the adventures she was seeing! Would she and LinMine have adventures like that? She sure hoped so. [/blockquote]
Post by xena2009 on Jan 30, 2010 10:36:47 GMT -5
Xarca thought about that. It almost fit the bond she shared with her pink firelizard, Spirit. "It sounds similar to the bond one would have with a Firelizard, though not as intense as a Dragon bond." It will drive her insane if she didn't impress. "What was it like for you when you impressed?"
Spirit trilled happily at helping such a pretty green dragonet. She dove into the water again, and came back up a minute later with more sand in her claws. She scrubbed the sand into the green's hide. She started up chittering and showing the green images again. Her legs making quick work of the sand on the green's hide.
"Did you ever think you'd impress?"
Posts: 1,554
Post by Reky on Jan 30, 2010 13:49:58 GMT -5
What was it like? Well, that one was easy. "Abso-shardin'-lutely amazin'," she said, grinning. "It's like... click, and you feel very right. Like yer complete." Yes. It was like that. Very, very much like that. It hadn't been very long ago, so she could still bring back the exact feeling. She had a hunch she'd never forget it.
Mem had the attention span of a gnat and the memory of a goldfish. The fact that she'd stayed still long enough for Spirit to scrub her was nothing short of a miracle. It just felt so good! But it didn't last much longer. Not out of rudeness, but simply out of the fact that she forgot if she was supposed to be doing something else made her move. She saw the water. Water... She was probably supposed to be playing in it! Right? Well, that seemed like a good idea. Chittering happily to the pink firelizard, Memnorooth bounced off, prancing through the water.
Lin smiled lovingly as she watched the green. "Well... t' be honest, I never even thought of it before I was Searched. Dragons weren't on the schedule, y'know?" She laughed. "I was a herder. S'all. But yeah, I definitely started thinking, 'Yeah... Maybe I'll Impress.' once I got 'ere. 'Course, there were a shardload of doubts, too." [/blockquote]